Ullpärlor i påskriset –
Easter twigs with wool beads

Ullpärlor i påskriset - Craft & Creativity

Vi har pyntat vårt kontor med ett stort och maffigt påskris. I björkriset har vi hängt upp pappersäggen som jag skrev om igår, samt ett gäng ullpärlor på tråd. Fäst en sytråd i ullpärlorna och du har ett enkelt och fint påskpynt. När påsken är över kan man dra ur tråden och använda ullpärlorna till något annat, om man vill.
We’ve decorated our office with a big Easter twig. In our birch twig, we hung the paper eggs I wrote about yesterday, and a bunch of wool beads. Attach a sewing thread to the wool beads and you got yourself a simple and pretty Easter decoration. After Easter you can remove the threads and use the wool beads for something else, if you like.

Ullpärlor i påskriset - Craft & Creativity

12 thoughts on “Ullpärlor i påskriset –
Easter twigs with wool beads

  1. Hi friend,
    while I was surfing on the internet, coincidencely I came across your website, From the first moment, I fell in love what you have done:) and I am writing this message before going long, just I was looking at the eggs, they were great. Congratulations!
    By the way,sorry not to introduce myself first, I am Dilek from Adana/Turkey(south of Turkey) I am a teacher and I am also interested in handcrafts.and I just opened a facebook page for my designs only for my friends, I am doing them just for my pleasure for now,may be in future . What I want to ask you is; what kind of material of that egg rub? I think I dont have here, can you describe me if it is possible.
    Congrat again, I will be your big follower from now on:)
    Hold on
    Cheers and warm regards from

    • Hi Dilek,
      thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you like my blog. The rub-on is a transfer motif, try googling “Rub-on transfers” and you will find lots of information. 🙂 It’s like a fake tattoo, but used on paper or other material.
      Kind regards /Helena

  2. Efter att ha sett pappersäggen på både Pinterest och sen nu även din variant på dem ska jag absolut testa till påsk. Kul med enkla men fina pyssel! Kram Hanna

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