Bokåtervinning – Recycling old books

Efter pärlträffen förra helgen var jag och mamma på loppis. Jag var på jakt efter gamla böcker och fick med mig sju tunga, tjocka uppslagsböcker hem. Jag ville testa en pyssel med utklippta pappershus runt ljushållare, som jag sett bland annat hos Sweet Paul.

After the bead meet last weekend, my mom and I went to a flea market. I was on the search for old books and I brought seven heavy encyclopedias with me home. The plan was to make paper house candle holders, like those I’ve seen at Sweet Paul’s.   

Det var egentligen fotografier på hus jag var ute efter men de lexikon och historieböcker jag fick med mig hem innehöll även vackra bilder på växter, djur, målningar och kartor. Massor med pysselmaterial för framtiden! Som den bokälskare jag är gjorde det lite ont i hjärtat att riva sönder böckerna men jag tröstade mig själv med att de var slitna och att de bara kostade 1 krona styck. Plus att de antagligen kommer sprida mer glädje som inredningsdetaljer än som dammiga gamla böcker på en loppis.
It was originally looking for pictures of old houses, but the dictionaries and history books I came home with also contained beautiful illustrations of flowers, animals, paintings and maps. Lots of material for future crafting! Being the bookwork I am, it was with a little sadness in my heart that I tore the books apart. I consoled myself with the fact that the books were worn and only cost me 1 SEK (10 cent) each. Plus, they are likely to spread more joy as interior accents than dusty old books at a flea shop. 

Jag klippte ut husen med en sax och skar ut några av fönstren med en hobbykniv, för att skapa en genomlysningseffekt. Sedan satte jag papperet runt dricksglas och tejpade ihop på baksidan. Slutligen klippte bort överflödigt papper för att passa glasets form. En annan idé för återvinning kan vara att använda gammal glasburkar.
I cut out the houses with a pair of scissors and cut out a couple of the windows with an exacto knife to create a transparency effect. I wrapped the paper around small drinking glasses and and secured with tape at the back. Finally, I cut away any access paper. Another idea for recycling could be to use old jars instead of glasses. 

När jag väl var varm i kläderna fortsatte jag med kartorna och gjorde likadant med dem. /
While I was on a roll, I did the same with the maps. 

En gammal florabok som jag loppisfyndat tidigare fick också vara med och bidra till samlingen av ljuslyktor. De blev nästan finast av alla, tycker jag. Florabilder har jag använt förut när jag tejpade upp dem i hallen på övervåningen. /
An old botanical book from a previous flea market bargain-hunt also contributed to my collection of votives. I think they turned out to be the prettiest of them all. I’ve used botanical pictures before when I taped them to a wall in our upstairs hallway. 

71 thoughts on “Bokåtervinning – Recycling old books

  1. Pingback: Friday Favorites

  2. Wonderful! I did this a few years back for a party and it was a great success. I forgot about it altogether. Thanks! Will be making more. Very nice tutorial.

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  4. I think you use for these old books is wonderful.
    As a retired librarian, books give us a view into another world, but they were meant to be used……one way or another. Sitting around with no use is even sadder than cutting them up. This is fantastic. Absolutely wonderful and beautiful.
    Come for a visit….

  5. The very first book I cut up was a Readers Digest Condensed book. I use book pages to create kusudama flowers, an origami technique. Your examples are absolutely breathtaking! Your ideas completely creative. I loved what you did with the book pages! Paper flowers from aerial maps are pretty too. I have an abundance of them and may try your peek a boo technique with those. Thanks so much!

  6. These are DE-LIGHTFUL! I’ve never seen anything quite like them, and it makes me want to grab my x-acto knife and start cutting up books right now! Pinning, so I can tackle this project in the future. Thanks for sharing!


    • Thank you Lauren! I’m glad you like the idea. 🙂
      Kind regards

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  12. Wow I really like this my mom was an avid book collector she went home to be with Jesus this past February. We lost my dad in 2010 and my oldest sister in 2011 so for Christmas this year the rest of us kids, our families r going to gather at my parent’s one last time (if am physically able have like 8 different medical problems one of them being black outs and seizures we can’t seem to get them under control am only sharing because am asking for prayer am hoping that’s ok and I won’t get kicked off.)
    I really like the way u explain things because of what am going through I have a really hard time understanding what I read but you make it so easy so Thank you and u r so talanted!!!!
    Sending all love, huggzzzz and prayers especially during this holiday season I know it can be really hard for anyone.

    • Thank you for your kind words Donna! I’m really happy you liked my tutorial. Best wishes and a very merry Christmas to you. /Helena

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